Aaah, Summer.
First of all, I would like to say HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! I do not live close to my mother, so I just called both of them (my mom &...

To trust, or not to trust...
Hey loves! I hope you are all having a blessed week thus far. I wanted to share something with you that I saw on Facebook today. Photo...

See Ya On tha Flip Side!
Hey my lovely loves! Sadly, vacation has ended. I didn't know if I should go ahead and write the blog entries or not, since I was gone so...

Don't be mad at me! :(
Okay loves, I know it's been FOR-EV-VER (in my 'Sandlot' voice) since I have gotten on here. Trust me, I didn't forget you! I have been...

Starting again..
Hey guys, Well, here we are! I normally don't have blogs or anything like that. But, I was given business advice that persuaded me to...