Don't be mad at me! :(
Okay loves,
I know it's been FOR-EV-VER (in my 'Sandlot' voice) since I have gotten on here. Trust me, I didn't forget you!
I have been working, and doing school work. My pictures are actually doing well! Since I was recently featured on Ampersand Literary (If you haven't looked, go check it out!), I've had so much positive feedback! Another cool thing that has happened to me, I got invited to go to Israel!! I have to do an internship, since I'm trying to be a Doctor. Well, the internship that has kind of landed in my lap is the trip to Israel. I am so excited! I am going to pray about it, and see how we are doing financially to make sure everything works in my and Heab's favor. I'd hate to put us through financial ruin to go to Israel. Anyhow, how are you guys!? I haven't talked to you in over a week. Again, I know some of you actually read this pretty consistently, and I am not doing my job, if I am not writing to you. So, here I am. I promise it won't be that long again, unless I am unable to because of internet service being unavailable. Something else cool, we are going to look into getting a motor home. We're ready to go to the mountains. We're actually looking at Montana pretty hard, because of how beautiful it is there. One of my favorite places is Flathead Lake. Which, I have written about in my books.

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Guys, honestly.... this was just a post to let you know I have not forgotten you. I know my last post probably said the same thing. I know some of you are probably thinking that I have too much going on to be doing this.. you may be right, but I'll never admit it. I really enjoy writing to you all, and keeping you updated. But, I will say- as of right now, things are going okay. We're ready to be on the move again, but as college students, and me taking my photography pretty serious, we have to stay here a little while longer. Wintering here, is pretty much what we're going to do.
Well, it's time for bed. I WILL write you more tomorrow, or the next day.
"Sometimes it's not about the happy ending, it's about the story."
~ Unknown