See Ya On tha Flip Side!
Hey my lovely loves!
Sadly, vacation has ended. I didn't know if I should go ahead and write the blog entries or not, since I was gone so long. Internet was sparse, and then we kept going and doing fun stuff. So, here I am now. Let me just say, we had sooo much fun. We got to see our best friends (that are basically family). Oh my gosh, their two girls are a-ma-zing. We love them. So, here is one photo from this trip that I think you might find beautiful.

How about that, huh!? It's gorgeous. We traveled all over Arizona. Lol. We got to see the mountainous areas of Flagstaff, as well as go to the Casino while we were there. It was such a fun time. Anyhow, I owe you a recipe I believe. But, before we get to that- we will have our serious talk first.
The question that is up in the air for us right now, are we happy?
We, personally, say yes and no. Yes, because we love each other and we have a life that some people dream about having. No, because we don't like the stress of living materialistic lives. While we were living in the RV- before we got an actual apartment, we weren't so materialistic because there was NO room to be! The camper has no slide outs, so it's just us and our little humble abode. Now, we have a one bedroom apartment that is getting fuller by the day. I really don't like that. I know it's my own fault. I mean, how many pairs of sandals does one girl actually need? So, once again, we're going back to the RV. When I first started this blog last year, we had so many aspirations. So many things we wanted to do since we have an RV, and we have no kids. Are we really tied down, or do we just like to think we are? I've been thinking about this for some time now, and Heab brought it up to me tonight- we can still travel. I have an awesome truck that can pull our camper like a champ, so there is really no reason why we can't. A lot of people do it, and work from their campers. I still go to school, but Heab is up for living a stress-free life just as much as I am. Just so you know, stress literally kills you.
I don't know about you guys, but I would rather work to get the stuff I NEEDED and see the world, than live to work for the things I want. There are so many people these days dying from heart troubles due to stress, dying because of stress, having anxiety (I'm one of these people), just stressed out to the max because they have so many "responsibilities." I don't want that for my husband, or I. I want to go hike mountains, I want to take photos of the most rare places that you probably would never see unless you went hiking. I want to wake up in the mornings and step outside to smell the fresh air, see the view. I'm sure I have said this to you all before, but my momma has always said that life is what you make it. If your unhappy, change it. If you are happy, then that's wonderful! Living a materialistic life, in my opinion, will always leave you dissatisfied because you're always going to want more. A new kind of TV, gaming system, smartphone, [insert your want here] has come out that is awesome, let's buy it. Can't afford it, put it on a credit card or get a loan. Work for a while, and the new item is finally paid off. Something better comes out, buy that since the old one is now paid off, and keep repeating the process over and over and over and ov.. you catch my drift. It is up to US to change things. Not the world, us. The world doesn't give a crap about us. So, it's up to us to change our lives. Whether it's better or worse, that's your own choice. Now I ain't saying that I am going to live without the luxuries...toilet, shower, bed, food over a camp fire... but I am saying that I will live without 10 pair of shoes, excessive clothes that I only wear on occasion, obscene number of purses when I really only use one. There are more things I can spend my money on, like a tripod for my camera. Or, snow boots to hike up a trail.
Overall, the point is, you choose the way you want your life to go. Some folks think it isn't that easy because you should work, or whatever. I understand that. To be blunt here, that's why people like my husband and I (as well as others), can do what we do- because people that must work need people like us that can do whatever jobs come available, and we can move on. So, that's okay. But, don't forget to live a little. Keeping up with the Jones' will just leave you broke, miserable, and lonely. Anyway, it's time for the recipe!
Drum roll please..................

photo courtesy of: via Google images
D's Goulash (my own recipe)
1 pound of lean (80/20 or 90/10) ground turkey
Minced onion, to your liking (I use dried- 1/8 cup)
1 tsp. minced garlic
5 cups of V8 vegetable juice (I use V8 brand)
1 can of ranch style beans
2 tbsp. of Italian herbs
2 cups elbow macaroni, cooked and set aside
1 tbsp. Worchester sauce
Salt & pepper to taste
In a large pan, brown the meat over medium high heat. Make sure to break it apart pretty good, so there aren’t chunks of meat that isn't cooked all the way through. Add in the garlic, and onion. Cook until the aroma is amazing, about another 10 to 12 minutes.
Stir in the V8 juice slowly so it doesn't splatter you. Then once the juice is in there, add in your herbs, Worchester sauce, and ranch style beans. Let it cook on low for about 20-25 minutes. Don't stir it too often.
If you haven't cooked your pasta to al dente yet, go ahead and do that. Drain the pasta and then add it to your soup mixture. Add a little salt, and pepper to your soup to taste. Let it cook for a about 10 more minutes on low setting.
This is just a guide for you to follow. This is exactly like I make my Goulash. Depending on how strong the tomato flavor is, I may add more, or less of Worchester sauce. Alter the recipe as you wish. It's your food! Always remember: the better the ingredients, the better the food!
I hope you have enjoyed this blog. I know it's sort of compiling the last few blog days into one, but I really didn't have time to post on vacation. I do apologize. If you have any recipe requests, I'd love to hear them! Use the "shout out" section of my website, and I would love to help you out with whatever I can!
Remember to be kind, love others, and be a blessing.
Everyone goes through trouble differently.
Until the next one, Love you guys! See ya on tha flip side!