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Triple Threat? I think so.

Those of you that know me, or have been reading my blog for quite some time, know that I am a lover of pasta. The way it masters most kinds of comfort food dishes, mmmmm. I can really eat just about ANY kind of pasta. Well, as long as there is no crazy seafood concoction in it. You know, the oysters that are so slimy, ugh. Not to mention, hearing the octopus being gummed to death in your mouth while trying to chow down on some awesome bite of alfredo or something.

O..Ok, I'll stop. Let me just continue the recipe before I make myself hurl.

In the voice of Jim Carrey via Ace Ventura, Alrighty then! Let's get started, shall we?

We're going to be making D's Triple Threat Mac n' Cheese, that's right, MY very own recipe.

Here we go.

First, you will want to gather all of your Ingredients. They are as follows:

Parmesan cheese

Feta Cheese (or any other cheese with a *BITE* to it)

Extra Sharp cheddar

Milk (I have to use lactose free, but it tastes the same as regular)

Egg noodles (or macaroni noodles of your choice)

Salt (I use Himalayan)

Pepper (I use freshly ground)

You want to know what else to grab?


Oops, wait a minute. You may need a medium pot, colander (aka: strainer, drainer), and a wooden spoon (or rubber spatula for those that don't like wooden spoons). The size pot you need depends on how much of this you're making. It's super easy, so you may want to make extra.

It is starting to get cold outside, eh?

Anyhow, let's continue.

D's Triple Threat Mac n' Cheese

Makes 2-3 servings

Total time: 15 minutes


1/2 C. Extra Sharp cheddar cheese, Feta, and Parmesan- freshly grated

1/2 C. Milk

Tsp. Salt

Tbsp. Pepper

1 C. Noodles of choice


1. Bring water to boil for pasta on med-hi heat. Once the water starts boiling, add pasta, and cook to al-dente (it should say on the box).

2. Meanwhile, start shredded your cheeses. It's okay to taste it, just to make sure it's good enough. *wink*

3. Drain the water off the noodles, once they're cooked to the desired texture. Then, return the pasta to the warm pot, with the heat still on low.

4. Add cheese, and start to combine. It is going to be a sticky mess for a second, but we just want to mix the cheeses altogether with the noodles. Once you do that, add the milk and stir gently. As you continue to stir, the cheese will melt and the milk makes it creamy. Once you're done with that part, just turn your burner off, and add salt and pepper to taste.

That's it. You are done, my friend. When I made this, I only made enough for about 2-3 servings. I am still on Weight Watchers, so I have to watch my intake of the deliciousness.

Let me know how you like it! I am excited about this, because I LITERALLY just thought of this earlier today when I was figuring out what I was going to make with the main course for dinner this afternoon. Pretty groovy, huh? I thought so, too.

Ya'll have a great work week, or just week in general. I will be bringing you another recipe this coming Sunday. Maybe something soupy. Let me know what you would like to see.

Remember to always be kind, and love one another. Everyone you know is fighting some kind of battle. Love you guys!

Photos courtesy of Google images. Recipe is solely my own.

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