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Home Sweet Home

My sincere apologies for missing the last couple blogs. I owe you two recipes on Sunday.

Well, I must say... It's been fun. I know all of you are probably wondering why I have been missing so many blogs.

We're buying a house!

That's right, you read that correctly.

Now that the cat is out of the bag, let me explain what has been going on lately for my most recent absences.

First thing's first, we went to east Texas to visit family, and we didn’t stay too long. It was miserable. The entire time, we just kept mentioning to each other that we were ready to go home. "Ready to go home?"

Since when did we get comfortable enough to call west Texas our home!? That's what I want to know.

Well, it happened. Heab and I had a long, long talk on our trip back since my stepmom didn't come with us. [My dad is still in the hospital. They're trying to get his heart working correctly, so we had to postpone the Broadway show. I could go by myself, but it just isn’t the same. Heab has been working his behind off, so he isn't feeling up to it.] Anyway... we had a long discussion about how we really like being in the desert. Arizona is too far from family, we do have {framily} up there, but between my dad and his grandparents, that's just too far. We kept discussing how we would love to have a family, and how we want the kids to be in a stable environment. We continued to discuss how I would have so many more opportunities here with my work, and I would probably thrive here.

Speaking of work... I have had some exciting things happen to me recently. My photos got accepted to the EyeEm Premium portfolio. Lucky for me, I know. I'm getting emails to attend all kinds of events, and I can't go. School is going okay, but, I am also looking for a job to help Heab out with the bills since we're looking into buying a house.

We're hoping to pay off the travel trailer so we can get the house, rather quickly.

You know, life throws us curveballs, and you have to be ready for whatever comes your way. Looking back, I was not nearly this wishy washy of a person. We HAD to stick with the original plan. Now, I just go with the flow. I just know that as long as I have God, and my husband, I can do anything that life throws at me.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know that you are wonderful. The blogs are going to be few and far between now, just a heads up. If you're wondering why,

*We're in the middle of home searching

*We're (well, I am) job searching for a full time job

*I'm filled with school work

*We have some {framily} that's coming down from Ohio to live...hopefully.

(we wish we could have all of them here, but that's a major dream.. Lol).

I am trying to get out of doing too much, so I don't do so much that life gets away from me. I would like to keep you updated with recipes, and see how you all are doing. I continue to plan on writing books, but it may take longer for them to come out (maybe a year, instead of 6 months).


Keep on the lookout for Mac's! It's set to hit shelves before this year is over.

I will continue to comment, and reply to all of you.

Be kind, and be loving. Everyone we see is fighting some kind of battle.

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