To trust, or not to trust...
Hey loves!
I hope you are all having a blessed week thus far. I wanted to share something with you that I saw on Facebook today.

Photo provided by:
This is what tonight's blog is going to be about. It's going to be kinda short, because I have so much stuff going on right now. However, it will be to the point.
When we think of having relationships with other people,
what comes to mind?
For myself, what comes to mind is if I can trust them or not. Exactly like this photo says above, I am not sure if I can let them in. Heab and I live really private lives, for the most part. Our circle is really small, and it is that way for a reason.
When someone criticizes you for not having any friends,
what do you normally say to them?
Heab and I like having a small circle, because so many others are not trustworthy. Everyone lies, that is just a fact. We're all fallen people, and that is what happens to fallen people. No one will ever be perfect. If anyone says they do not lie, they are lying right then. It may seem silly, but I say this because when someone comes to you that you love- and asks you if they look great in that outfit... what do you say? "Oh, you are looking good! I like it."- when in reality, you are thinking of how hideous it is. That is trivial compared to some other things that come to mind, but it still proves my point.
But, it is not the fact that people lie to me that keeps me from being close to them. It is the fact that most people don't like honesty. You feel as if you have to tread lightly, to not hurt someone's feelings. I really dislike that.
I do lie. I'll admit it. When Heab comes up to me and asks if he has lost any weight, I more times than not, say "Baby! You have. You look awesome. I'm so proud of you"... It's not that I don't think he looks awesome... It's the fact that I know for a fact he's gained some, but he makes me happy no matter what. So, I lie. He feels better, no one has their feelings hurt, we are good to go. But, to me- that kind of stuff doesn’t matter. It's the important things that matter.
Can I trust you with my most personal information that even my husband doesn’t know?
Can I trust you that even when we aren’t friends anymore for some reason, that you will keep that information to yourself?
Can I trust you to not gossip about me to your other friends, if you have any?
Those things matter. Those are the reasons Heab and I keep our circle small. It is best to be honest with everyone. Even on the small stuff. I would rather have complete honesty that is going to hurt my feelings, than to make a fool out of myself for continuously doing something that makes no complete sense.
Although, it is best to know whether that person actually wishes you well or not. Everyone has an opinion. Just realize whether their opinion matters or not. That is the key.
I know this blog is sortof all over the place, but I say these things because you have to do what makes you feel better at the end of the day- when it comes to relationships with others.
Heab and I both have relationships with those that we want to have relationships with, regardless if it's family or not.
Blood does not mean anything, when that person continuously does us wrong. .
Saying someone is family, and we should still have a relationship with them even after they have done us wrong, is like saying I should continue having a dangerous animal living in my house even though you don't know when it'll attack and harm us.
All I'm saying is be careful. Don't trust someone at the drop of a hat, but don't stay so closed off to meeting new people. It's got to be a balance, otherwise you will feel lonely.
Be kind. Love others. Everyone we know is fighting some kind of battle.
** Please keep in mind that I am not a Doctor, yet... All my blogs are strictly MY opinions. Facts, and references will be given if there are any on that specific blog.**