Memorial Day.
I owe you all a recipe from Sunday, that I did not put up yet. I was in the middle of moving, and did not have internet. Anyhow, let's get to the point of today's blog, shall we?
This is the week of Memorial Day. I hope you all thank a Veteran, or Active Duty soldier for the sacrifice they have made for this country. War is never fun for anyone. Some of us know all too well. Lately there has been so many tragedies, that we really aren't able to keep up with them all. The media is twisted on all networks, so we don't know what is true and what isn't. Something I heard recently, was someone wise saying that we must all do our OWN research. Make sure if you are doing research on specific topics, that each article has references to back it up. If there are no references, chances are that it is false.

photo provided by: Google images
Our flag means so much to the United States. Our flag represents more than just the 50 stars, and 13 stripes that are on that flag. Those stars are the states that came into unity with the United States, and many of them became ours through war and triumph. The same instance with the 13 stripes, that represents the 13 colonies that we have. Our flag has been stomped on, burned, and shredded by those that don't understand what it means to have life here in the United States of America. We are free, to a certain degree. We are the freest nation there is. Disrespecting our flag, and the nation in general, is disrespecting the men and women who died for it. ALL the men & women who died for it, from the ones who fought the first fight- to the ones who are overseas now protecting us.
Never forget that our nation is only as good as we are.
Now, onto the recipe. It's going to be a summer recipe, that way it feels great going down in this warm air we're having. Once again, I do apologize for not being able to post on Sunday.

This recipe is a recipe my mom had when I was a little bitty kiddo. She used to make it all the time, and it was amazing every time. There may be different versions available all over the place, but this is how I remember my Momma's.
I love you all so much!
Thank you for keeping up with me. You are all beautiful!
Freedom is never free. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
All my love,