what do you want?
Hey my lovlies,
So, I know that I am a couple hours past 8pm putting the blog up, but I have been dealing with family issues. I found out today that other than diabetes, my dad is really sick. He has a heart condition, and it is not curable. He's not even in his 60's yet! After the initial shock, I cried my eyes out (at least that's what it felt like), and it got me to thinking how short life really is.

I am almost 30 years old, and Heab is older than me. There are so many things that we have never done, that we want to do in this life. Of course, traveling, and getting to take photos is one of the things that I really enjoy and look forward to- but, it's other things. For example, I have always wanted to learn how to play the acoustic guitar. So, I purchased one this week and have been practicing. It's terrifying because I am basically teaching myself, but I am getting to do something that I have wanted to do since I was a child. I've always had a passion for music, and singing. I got to sing a lot, but I never got to learn how to play the guitar. Now the only excuse I have is me.
Heab, he has always wanted a few things that he never got while growing up. Recently, he purchased his few items.
Guys, life is short.
I know I talk about it often, but I sometimes don't even think about using my own advice, if I'm being honest. Much of the things I discuss with you is stuff that I have already been through, or am going through, or see those I love going through it. So, I write about it hoping to help someone else in the same situation.
The point is, if there is something that you want to do but haven't done it yet-
what are you waiting for?! Do it!
If you must save the money, save the money; then do it. It will be so worth it when you go through the journey, then reach the destination.
On another note, I am so happy to be almost done with this semester! This recent psychology class has been making me think overtime! I met a young gent today while grocery shopping and he was telling me about his school endeavors. I enjoyed listening to him while he discussed his recent finals, and I told him I knew EXACTLY what he felt like!
He laughed, and asked me what my study was. I told him I was a double major for a while, then changed it back to my single major so I could finish faster. I preceded to tell him what my major was (Psychology: Military Resilience), and he looked shocked. I asked him why he had the look on his face, and he told me that he couldn't even try to understand psychology- and that he was in business administration. I said, "Well, I wouldn't be able to do business administration. So, good luck to you." We continued to discuss things as we both put the groceries in my truck, and he told me that he was only taking 1 class at a time (Not going to lie, I was quite envious of him at this point). I told him that I take 4-5 classes per semester because I want to be finished before next year. He took his ball cap off, and tipped his head to me like I was doing something incredible. I was flattered, but to me it just seems as if I am doing what I need to do. Of course, I am burned out a little bit on school, but I know what I must do to finish. Being a doctor requires a lot of schooling, and I want to get there before I turn 30 years old. We said our goodbyes, and he held his hand up for me to give him a high-five. I did, and he said, "good luck to you ma'am."
As I got in the truck to drive off I couldn't help but think, everyone I talk to say that I am taking on too much at one time. Maybe I am. But, I enjoy writing to you all every Wednesday and Sunday. I enjoy traveling, and taking photos (which you can now see on my website by the way). I enjoy doing school, because I know it will help me become a better Marriage & Family Therapist. I am not doing any of this to get known, I am doing this because I love life; and I love that I can share with whomever needs advice, and those that are curious.
I know tonight's blog is kind of long, but I wanted you all to know that you CAN do what you set your mind to. You CAN do things that you've always wanted to do, just never had the guts to do it. Don't have any regrets.
Enjoy life, enjoy love, and be a blessing to others.
I love you all. Be kind, be loving, and remember that you are all beautiful.
Love always,
** These blogs are solely my opinion. I am not a Doctor, yet! **