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"Baking" in the Summer..

Not that kind of baking! hahahahaha. I mean baking brownies!

I adapted this recipe from because I could never make the perfect brownies.

Until this. .

photo courtesy of:

So, here's the recipe!

Old Fashioned Chewy Brownies


2 C. Brown Sugar

2 sticks butter, melted

3 eggs

1 C. All purpose flour

2 tsp. Vanilla extract

1/2 C. Unsweetened Cocoa


Mix together well with whisk, or with a stand mixer for about 1 minute nonstop. Pour into an 8 or 9 inch square greased and floured pan (I use butter non-cooking spray, or the baker's joy flour cooking spray). Bake at 350* until inserted toothpick comes out clean. Close to about 25 to 35 minutes.

There ya go! That's it.

I actually had the weekend all to myself, and I am super excited about that. Movies, movies, and more movies! Lol.

Remember to be kind, and love others. Everyone we know is fighting some kind of battle.

With love,


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