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trying harder.

Hey my lovely loves!

I hope your week is going fan-tas-tic. My news for the week, I have started a new novella for you! I have noticed that as I keep writing, I keep getting better. I did not go to school for this kind of stuff, so I am just winging it. All I ask, be patient with me. I'm still learning, but I can assure you the books will have a great plot. I thank you all for the support that you have given me so far. This brings me to our blog for today.

Have you ever kept at something, but realized it kept getting more difficult as time passes?

Did you give up?

Did you keep working hard at it?

I'm asking you this because it takes no time for someone to get discouraged. After I kept writing my little novellas, I would read other books and get discouraged because I thought they were so much better than mine. I would research how to write a good story, and kept looking and looking. Finally, I became even more discouraged. I haven't stopped yet, and I really don't want to! I love writing stories. Even if they are short novellas, I still enjoy writing something for the enjoyment of others.

Don't get discouraged!

It keeps getting more difficult, because you're learning new things! Keep working hard, because even though someone may be better at doing the same something that you like to do- there's probably a good reason why they are better. You must want to learn something new about the subject. You must WANT to do better- not to outdo someone, but to help yourself. Sure, they may be making more friends or money, or whatever... but the point is, everyone has to start somewhere. If you haven’t given something your all, then why are you doing it? I asked myself that same question about my books, homework, and my photography. I kept doubting myself, which is never any good. You are not that someone else that is doing better than you, you are you- beautiful you. Believe in yourself.

Take a chance. Make a change.

I know today's blog is kind of short, but it's to the point. Here's another photo from vacation!

I love you all! May you have a blessed rest of the week, and take care of one another. Everyone you see is fighting some kind of battle, whether inside themselves or making it known to the outside world.

Be kind. Love others. God bless.

Love always,


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