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just a little customer service.

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Today something happened to someone I don't even know, but I would like to tell you the details. You will need to bare with me, because I became a little frustrated during this situation and will probably be ranting to you.

My husband and I are at home with our family in east Texas, but we are staying in a hotel this time. It's just so much easier for me to keep up with you all and also do my homework. So, let me get started on the story here.

We walk into the hotel to reprogram our keys for the outside door. We come into a woman standing at the counter of the hotel, and she was pretty irate. She wasn't yelling just yet, to the lady at the front counter, but she was ticked off. The hotel clerk was doing everything possible to make sure this woman was receiving great customer service (and kudos to this young lady because she handled it like a pro!!!), and making sure her room was as the woman expected. The woman in this situation had no reservation receipt, showing that the room had been booked, along with saying she had no way to show proof because she didn't have the middle of town... She stated that her phone was not able to get on the internet (in the middle of town), and also that she had already booked the room for a certain amount per night. The amount was way less than the normal rate for this time of the week. As someone who has worked as a hotel clerk, I kept my ears peeled to the conversation to see what the sweet hotel clerk was going to do. You could tell she was upset, and she really didnt like the way the woman was speaking to her. Which, honestly I wouldn't have either. The woman was so rude.


The woman kept telling the hotel clerk that she was not competent enough to handle this situation and she needed more training and wanted the managers phone number.

This isn't the whole story, but I just want you all to know that a little niceness goes a long way. I took up for the young lady, and had to get in contact with her boss to inform them that the young lady did a great job.

Someone other than you is always going through something, be kind. We don't know what the future holds, and you never know who you're going to work for later in life. The person you are treating like dirt, may end up being your boss one day.. Always remember you are no better than anyone else.

The young lady that was dealing with this awful woman was not at fault here (in my opinion). I spoke with her afterwards, when the rude woman had already walked off. Again, the woman didn't have a receipt for the reservation, nor did she have internet (supposedly) to prove she made the reservation.

What's your take on it? Do you think that the hotel clerk was wrong, or the woman in question?

Let me know in the comments section below!

Love you all, and stay safe.

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