I missed Sunday, I do apologize. I was sick with what I thought was the flu, but turned out to be severe allergies. Thank God!
There has been so many things happening lately that I want to share with you. I will combine the recipe for Sunday, as well as what I'd like to go over with you. It will be kind of a long post, but I'm sure you won't mind. ;)
First thing's first, thank you for reading my blog. I really appreciate you taking time out of your day to read it. Now, for the good stuff.
Live without Fear.
I know that is easier said, than done. We live our lives trying to be what other people expect us to be. So, in my opinion, is what causes most of the fear. Everyone wants to know what will come of their life, because they want to be prepared.
It just can't happen like that.
There is a verse I want to share with you. I made the photo via Canva, and it describes a lot of the way it should be.

i love this verse. I love it so much that it'll be tattooed on me in the near future. Lol. Anyway, The thing is.. We will NEVER know what tomorrow holds for us. I once read something that said, "the person who died last night, had plans for today. The person that died this morning had plans for this evening. Never take life for granted. Enjoy the moment, because you may not get another time to enjoy it." (Author unknown)
As I said above, I have no idea who said that, I just know that it is genius! Something that I try to remember on a daily basis. However, we have a life and everything gets in the way. My husband and I don't have children, but we do have other responsibilities, and they get in the way. I'm sure those that do have kids, have way more things on their plate than my husband and I. But, the point is (before I get too far off the beaten path..LOL), If there is something you long to do, do it. My husband and I get ridiculed and judged all the time because we come and go everywhere! We move all the time, we're spending most of our money exploring and traveling, we don't have anything to show for the money we do make (house, paid off vehicles, boats, etc..). The thing is though, I would rather be doing different things, and get judged for doing the things that I enjoy, than live the same boring life everyday and be depressed over the monotony. There are so many people, I know a few but will keep their names private, that do this very thing. They are scared to do anything new, but they want to be depressed over how things are.
Well, you can't have it both ways.
One of the famous sayings in the south is, you either pee, or get off the pot...
Makes sense i'd say.
Oh, and we do have things to show for what we do with our money. It's called photos, and memories that no one can ever take from us.
Society, and our families make it seem wrong to do whatever we want and not listen to anyone. Well, I'm here to tell ya that I will do whatever I want, as long as God is pleased with me. As you know, I am a Christian. So, as long as I am not doing something that would defy God, then I will move where I want and explore wherever I want, and DO whatever I want. Because, no one pays for it but my husband and I.
I'm not trying to sound insensitive, but what everyone doesn't realize- you get ONE time at this life. What you do with it, is on you!
Do I want to be in my final hours and say, "man I wish I would've done..."
NO. I won't do it.
I also hear people say "you need to plan for your future. You're doing all this traveling and spending all your money on nonsense, what are you gonna do when you are old and need money to support yourselves?"
Well, I will do what needs to be done. Who's to say that there isn't a savings base for when we do get old?? Guess what, it's none of their business!!
You don't have to tell them anything, if you don't want them knowing anything.
That's the beauty of adulthood.
The message I was trying to portray here is that, life is short. If you don't like the way it's going, change it. If you get judged for what you do, who cares? You shouldn't. We get one chance to make a life for ourselves. It can be good, or bad. The choice is yours.
Your families will have mean things to say, most members of our family don't believe in us. Which is fine, honestly.
Most of the time we're getting more experience in a month, than they are in their entire year pretty much. Just depends on the month! :P
Be who you are. Don't change for anyone, unless it's for the better.
Do the things you have wanted to do, but always feared to do it. Even if it's just a vacation, life will be right there waiting on you when you get back!
Have faith.
Now, onto the recipe...
This is a low carb recipe I got. Super easy. You ready?

Grape & Pecan Parfait. I know, I know.. The pic is all wrong!
- i know I said grape and pecan parfait, but these are purplish.. aren't they?! Let's just imagine they are grapes! :D -
Back to business.
Grape & Pecan Parfait
Yield: Recipe makes 2 parfaits
Time: Prepare 10 minutes - eat 30 seconds!!
2 cups seedless purple grapes
Can of redi-whip (red & white can, original)
2 cups chopped pecans (1 cup for each jar)
1. Put a 1/4 cup of grapes at the bottom of the jar (we use 8 oz. mason jars, but you can use whatever you like).
2. Spray some Redi-Whip just to cover the top of the grapes.
3. Sprinkle some pecans on top of the Redi-whip. Keep layering in your jar/glass until the pecans is the last thing on top (for garnish).
4. Repeat process in the other jar/glass.
These are sooooooo good you are going to want to make more. But, don't. These are low carb snacks, unless you don't stop after one! Lol. This is my own little recipe. The parfaits will be light and fluffy on the tummy. The only thing that is not so fluffy is how your body reacts to grapes. I bloat a little, but not too bad.
I hope you enjoy! Let me know how it turns out!
I love ya'll, and I am so happy you read my blog today. Take care of yourselves.
Love others.
Everyone you see is fighting some kind of battle.