How are you all today!?
We are good, except my sweet husband is sick. I feel so bad for him when he is sick. He turns into a big ol' baby. But, that's okay because that means I get all the snuggles and cuddles I want...Aaaaand I get to make him soup! hahahahaha.
The post tonight is going to be kinda short. I have to get up early in the morning, and go to "work".
Other than this week going by super fast, what else has been going on here? Hmm.
Well, I was able to finish almost ALL of my schoolwork this week before Friday! Actually, it will all be finished tomorrow or exactly on Friday. Depends on how my sick baby needs me tomorrow.
So, I don't know how many of you are low carb- weird to start out a sentence, I know..

Photo courtesy of
But, we are going low carb. It's going to be SOOOO difficult, but our health is worth it. The doctor's website that I have been looking into says there are three kinds of low carb lifestyles. There's the Strict, Intermediate, and Liberal low carb lifestyles. We are going to do the Intermediate. That means no potatoes, noodles, rice, bread (goodbye my friends!), and no starchy stuff. Well, that is not a problem if it isn't in the house. Also, because I am normally the one that goes grocery shopping. So, if you want to learn more about this new low carb lifestyle, I will include a link down below.
We're not doing it for the weight loss, every time we say we are.. we don't lose a thing. Lol.
If you are low carb or have done it before, I would love to hear from you! Just go to my "Contact" section of my website, and leave me a note.
Here's the link if you would like to know more
Just click on that link above, and you should be into all of the information I know.
I hope you all have a very blessed week!
Remember to be kind. Love others, even when you don't want to.