Hey, Beautiful!
Today I am going to do kind-of a serious post for you. I have been studying a lot and going to work (volunteering, but it's work! Trust me). I have just been having a lot of stuff on my mind, and I wanted to share it with you.

We see so many things on television, and so many things in magazines that may make you feel like you are not physically beautiful, or mentally beautiful. Here is a quote from someone that you may know, Mr. Oscar Wilde. He says "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken."
I say that to you because imperfection is beautiful. YOU are beautiful. When you feel like you are not good enough, keep in mind that you are saying that everyone else is better than you; that is not okay!
We are given one life. In this life, we can make or break ourselves. Most people believe that drugs, or alcohol is the way to solve problems, but all it really does is suppress them deeper and deeper until you kill yourself eventually. You have to love you, before someone else can love you. That is a true statement. I have lived that, myself. Another quote from someone I know that you will have heard of, Coco Chanel. She once stated that "The most courageous act is still to think for yourself, aloud."
Don't ever make yourself what someone else wants, unless it's for the better. You are beautiful the way you are. If you do want to change, change for you, not for someone else. We all know that I am a Christian. So, I will leave you with a piece of scripture here.
"You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you."
Song of Solomon 4:7 NIV
There will be all kinds of people come into your life, and leave. That's fine and all, but don't let them make you feel less than what you are. Remember that you are unique. There is only one of you!
Be proud of that! Own it!
My loves, I am going to turn it. I have an early morning. Keep in mind everything I have said here this evening. I love you all. You are amazing!
Quotes were obtained from www.goodreads.com