Happy New Year, My Loves!
How is your new year going!?
Ours is going okay, we have been just hanging out since my husband has been off a lot for the new year. We actually get to go home for "vacation" this weekend, and see our families. We are kind of excited, but realize there is so much that has to be done while we're there, because we can't get there that often.
School still hasn't started yet, and I am going NUTS! I have been just a little stay at home wife, doing my duties since the book is finished.
Oh yeah! My book is finished!!! It's available on my site, if you would like to take a gander at it- here's what the front looks like...

The link is in my "Books" page on my website. It will link you to where you can buy it. I hope you all got to spend time with your loved ones for Christmas. However, we can not forget the real meaning of Christmas, which is the birth of Christ.
Some of you may have made new years resolutions. I did not. I would like to be the best person I can, but without promising everyone or letting everyone know that. I try to give my best of me to everyone, but sometimes it doesn't work out that way. If you're willing to tell me, I would love to hear what some of your resolutions are! I find them interesting, and will definitely pray for you to achieve them.
What's coming up for us in the year 2017?
Our 9 year wedding anniversary is coming up in 20 days!
I'm almost finished with my Bachelor's degree. I will continue for Masters.
We will be finishing the remodel on our house.
We are going to be in the process to adopt a baby.
My husband is looking forward to getting another job that utilizes his skills.
I will be trying to work for the State of Texas.
Hopefully, another book.
I hope you all have a blessed day, and my blog post will return to normal, now that the holiday season is over. Keep doing what you're doing, and spread love to everyone you see! Each and every one of us is fighting some kind of battle, so be kind.
-A verse I would like to leave with you as I close out this blog-