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Smile, it's almost Christmas!!

Hey y'all!

I was watching my friend Sam Schuerman via YouTube and she mentioned a beauty product that peaked my interest. So, I bought it and thought I would share it with you guys! It's called Smile Sciences as you can see. I got the link for this kit from her vlog because I have never heard of them before. You can click on her name above and it will go to her page, but I will also link her YouTube channel at the bottom along with the video that I got the kit from. Be sure to subscribe to her channel if you like all things beauty! She is awesome.

Anyhow, I haven't tried it yet but I want to show you everything that is in the kit. Check it out!

This is everything that comes in the kit, I have not used it yet. I am trying to get all of my beauty products in before I try them all. They even give you this little shade guide! How neat!

When Sam posted this, she shared a link that allowed us to get it for $29. It normally sells for much more than that. So, make sure you go check it out.

I don't really know much you guys. All I have been doing is buying gifts for the kiddos for Christmas. So far, I have put up a little table top tree and put the kids' gift cards up by the tree. Even though they are going to be mailed out, it still looks festive! What do you think?

Even though we are staying in our RV, it looks so traditional and festive! I have also been baking like cRaZy! As you can tell I have my little Marshmallow Fireside candle from Bath & Body Works, mmmmmmm it smells so good. Makes it smell like I have been baking all day. Isn't that the greatest?

Ooh! I almost forgot to tell you! I will be doing a little haul for you from my shopping day at Bath & Body Works next week - to let you know what kind of steals I got and my favorites and not so favorites. Be sure to keep in touch with me, and checking back for the BBW haul and my recipes on Sundays.

Now for the real reason I am writing you.

You know I always like to mention some semi-important things for y'all to think about, rather than just telling you just little random things in my life.

Since we have been in a bigger city lately, I see so many homeless people around us. It saddens me for those people to be left in the cold and being hungry. I know most people say "I don't want to give them money, you don't know where they'll spend it." or something else like "It's their own fault they got that way."

Sadly, years ago I used to be one of those people.

Now I look at them and I want to hold them, and keep them warm. I want to make a huge dinner and let them all come eat with us. However, that scares me a little to have all of those people over. Anyways, before I get sidetracked..

There is always a soup kitchen that is cooking up something for the homeless, or some way you can help. Just remember that this holiday season, but not only this season; Remember it all year round. God knows their heart. If you decide to give them money, God will know where they spend it. If you decide to make them cookies and take it to each person on the corner, that is good too. Showing a little love to everyone around you, can go a long way. As I posted the other day, we never know what other people are going through. We're all fighting some kind of battle. We never know their story. One day when you have nothing to do, find a homeless person and give them water or whatever you baked for them- and ask them their story. You may be surprised what you found out. I know I am very surprised at the things I have come across lately. I know this post is all sporadic, going all over the places. But, there was a point to it at least.

Be a blessing. Show love to others. Be who you would want other people to be to you.

Sam's channel: Click here!

Sam's smilesciences video, click here!

Okay y'all. It's time for me to have some warm coffee, and watch some Christmas movies.

Have a blessed evening, and let me know if there is anything specific you would like to me to chat about.

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