Let's face it, we all have problems with adjusting to where life has us going, or where we are. We're either scared to admit it, or don't want to disappoint anyone by being honest. Well, come on. Get to it. You will read below, some of my suggestions and opinions. As well as, where you can seek more help on this topic.
I'll start with one of the most important parts of this topic.
Do you have any? What are they? What's the timeline you set for yourself on achieving them?
Goals are important. They actually provide us with a sense of direction or purpose. We are wired to want to things for others. We are wired to want to do something that's bigger than ourselves. If you don't have any goals set for yourself, reflect on what you want in your life. You can take all kinds of tests online to see what is the best fit career for yourself. If it's not with a job, then what is it with? There are things we all aspire to do, but never do them out of fear. Which leads me to the next thing.
I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Especially, if you have a family that is super close where you basically have to get their approval before doing things for yourself in your life. Notice I said, doing things for yourself in your life.
We go through life just tired, overworked, burnt out, overwhelmed because we are living for what we think we HAVE to do, or what we're EXPECTED to do. Just so you know, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. No matter what your beliefs are. There are things you should do, but the only thing you have to do is die. You only have one chance to live this life, so why are you going to spend it doing something that makes you and your family unhappy?
We tend to lose sight of what is really important these days. First, I'd say it's God. Second, is our significant other. Thirdly, it's our children. Everything else comes AFTER this, you guys. The next thing I'd like to talk is about the...
Don't spend your life thinking, "Dang man, if I could do it over again".. Trust me, it happens more often than we'd like to think. We spend our life doing what is supposedly required of us, and we forget to live. We have got to live on purpose! We will just continue to spin our wheels, to get nowhere. Do what makes you happy, while making your family a priority. If you are not happy with your life, no one else is happy being around you. We don't think they notice, but they do.
I know ya'll are probably not going to like this, but I am going to mention a scary topic for most people these days.
We have to look at our approach to life as well as everything else. God is our creator. We are made from dirt. Women are made from the rib of man. Then we were roaming naked because we had no clue that we were naked. There was no sin, so no one knew nakedness was wrong. That explanation leads me to this, having a relationship with God means having the holy spirit. It's three in one. You can be free from worry, and feeling like you don't belong in the world. We are made for a reason! I have been saved, by Jesus' blood He shed on the cross. I know there are a lot of non-Christians out there, and if that is your choice then okay. But, if your curious, there is so many things that can help you find God. All you have to do is ask. It's amazing on how much better I feel since I have Him. I wasn't a huge believer for a long time. I was going through the motions of being "Christian" but I had my doubts. A couple years ago, I quit wondering and just started searching. I was searching for something bigger than I, that could help me with this life that I felt stuck in. Going nowhere, is how I felt. We all have a choice. I heard someone say a while back "I'd rather believe in God, and be a Christian to find out that I was right- than to be a non-believer and find out I was wrong." Honestly, that's how I started thinking. So, that's when my search started. I have come so much farther than I could have ever imagined. I'm so happy. Enough about me. This is about you. If you want resources, google them. I can name a few, if you'd like to know them- contact me.

Do you have the support to do these things?
If you want the huge change to take place, do you think your significant other with back you up? Why, or why not?
What support can you offer others that are having this struggle of living life with no purpose in mind?
If you're not the one who really wants the change to happen, confess to your significant other the reluctance you're having, and why. Explain to them why you don't agree with their decision, and you may be comfortable where your lives are now. However, I will warn you, that every relationship has moments where one or the other have to have a compromise! You may be asking yourself, what happens if the significant other doesn't agree?
Well, just know a few things.
Arguing is normal. Everyone is different, which means you will never ever be on the same page at the same time, thinking the same things for the same reasons.
Disagreeing is okay! You don't have to let the disagreement get so heated that it ruins your relationship, but it's okay to disagree with one another. Basically, for the same reason that arguing is normal. We're all different. Relationships are work. You have to work at them, in order for the two of you to grow together. Another thing that I have mentioned, but is super important.
COMPROMISE!! You've got to find common ground somewhere. You can come to an agreement, on anything. I promise. It can happen. Figure out a decision that will work great for both of you.
You may not be wanting a totally different life. You may just be wanting something different to add to the life you have. That's certainly okay. You may be wanting to start going to church, and don't know how to tell your significant other. You may be someone who wants to get a job when you haven't worked in many years. There are different situations for everyone, and the adjustments to these things are not going to be simple. But, they can happen. Just make sure you are focused on loving each other, even through your problems. Every relationship can be repaired, if both parties are really willing to work hard, and commit to do so. I know this post was sooo long, but it's because I love you guys and I want the best for each and every one of you. Also, I want to let you know, never underestimate the power of prayer. God heals, and answers prayer. We may not get the exact thing we're praying for, but just know that everything happens for a reason. It's either a lesson, or a blessing.
From my heart to yours, I love every single one of you. You may not agree with some of the things I have written about, and that's okay. But, I wanted to write it for those that need some kind of advice on this topic.
Be blessed and take care of each other.
Williams, N. (2016). Need a Life Adjustment? Retrieved August 29, 2016, from
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