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~ Books, Blogs & Recipes~
Thanks for stopping by!
Dear friends,
As you can tell through our blogs, here at DMHindustries, we have been quite absent in the last few months. Instead of always having an excuse as to why I have not blogged in a while- I feel it is time for me to say my goodbyes. We are so sad to bid you all farewell, but we know it must happen. The website will stay active for a while longer, but will eventually come down. If you're interested in the books that are still for sale, go ahead and click on them in the BOOKS tab. Feel free to meander around the past blogs, and enjoy the recipes that are there. I want to let you all know that I love you all, and I wish you all the very best.
Love always,
D.M. Heaberlin, Owner, DMHindustries
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